Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I believe in non- conformity, to remove yourself from the realm of restriction.  To denote own thoughts without concern for other’s and their perception.  Innate in anyone’s mind is to fit in, to long for companionship, but is it worth the price of giving up yourself, and your own will?

As a younger child conformity means everything, to fit in and be accepted by your peers.  Middle school was treacherous battle between self pleasing actions, and pleasing the whims of the so called “popular crowd”.  To be trendy, witty, thin, and pretty.  This seemed necessary for success.  As I have grown into the person I am today I have realized what a useless struggle this has been, that adds anxiety and self loathing to your being.  To break free from this internal conflict is to hold the key to happiness in life.

As I have grown into my own person, I still struggle with this, but being conscious of it has helped to control it.  Why suppress myself to please others?  I believe in the glorification of out of the ordinary traits, and to uphold the individual genius rather than drag them down.  

Friedrich Nietzsche once said “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself ” .  Although you may suffer through being yourself, it will never be to the magnitude of not being yourself.  Being true to yourself will set you free, and I whole heartedly believe that.   


theOX said...

I love the music and the pictures of the freaks! FANTASTIC! but in all seriousnessly, I am a freakish ox who enjoys seeing fellow freaks aka the coolest people who ever graced this earth with their presence (that's mostly me)

theOX said...

I'm gonna tell you a special little story... Once upon a time, there was an attractive OX who commented on tuns of blogs, but (haha, butt) the people who wrote the blogs weren't actually people, they were big babies who couldn't take really awesome criticism... the middle is really boreing so I'll skip to the end... all of the big babies ended up crying and the OX and mamma OX skipped through a meadow while talking to whales.

theteach said...

Is it possible that non-conformity is a sign of fear of failure? Can one conform without losing self-worth and personal identity?