Postman' s assertion of our culture "becoming more trivial" leads me in short to my reasoning. Today it seems that the average person is not concerned with the problems of our society or the making better, but they are more concerned with the pursuit of what makes them happy in the here and now. Were all not striving for a common goal of the greater good, but we look to material pleasures and physical pleasures that will make us happy for the moment, that will give us the quick fix if you will. Our culture has less and less people caring for major issues such as the economy and our repression, and more and more people are looking for something to mask our problems, to simply hide this from us in the moment. Our society is now putting more emphasis on the less important. In the modern day it seems that we look towards appearance, and material possessions, trends and copy cat thoughts to guide us. Like in A Brave New World many did not have concerns for the long term, but they were more focused on the pleasure in life like sex. We have left behind our values of problem solving and the uphold of the individual genius because we look to other things which we hold more importance to like those who are the best looking or have the most money.
We have seemed to stop caring about these important things, because we are satisfied with what we now know and what we do not want to know. Our society seems to turn the other cheek to important ideas and questions, almost like the of A Brave New World. The society no longer looked to seek knowledge, because they had been given much information and now none of it mattered, they were almost overwhelmed with it. Postman writes "Huxley feared those who would give us so much [information] that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism". Huxley worries that we will be given so much information at our finger tips that we will only be driven by self interests and not the interest of our society and we will allow whatever others want us to do to happen. If you think about modern society we have an abundance of knowledge that can be accessed from almost anywhere, the Internet. This wealth of information almost replaces the human mind of the user. We do not allow ourselves to come up with our own thoughts, but we take the information already given to us and we accept it as truth and we believe it.
Today I feel that today's society grows closer and closer to that of A Brave New World, that much farther from 1984.